seedigitalCloud transparent
Let's Talk

How does it work?

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

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seedigital deploys the cameras on your sites, you tell us how long you wish to store your images and we'll connect you to seedigitalCLOUD

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Whether it is over the internet or seedigital’s SecureWAN direct into seedigitalCLOUD, cameras are connected for ongoing recording

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Immediately access your cameras from your smartphone (iPhone or Android), and playback recorded events from your PC.

seedigital Cloud CCTV & Access Control makes digital surveillance simple!

Leave the worries, constant software updates & work associated with managing multi-site access control & video systems behind you.

Consider this too:

Access Control & Intrusion Detection

seedigital access control & intrusion detection solutions manage thousands of doors and detect bad guys for many beloved brands across the country. 

Centralised management
Remote Video Monitoring

seedigital Remote Video Monitoring is like having a full-time security guard at your premises. It provides an instantaneous response to real events in your business. 

Office Photos #4
seeo ai

seeo analyses your CCTV footage for events that indicate gaps & weaknesses in H&S culture.